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Her name is Anxiety

(leitores brasileiros entrem em


Anxiety. That’s the name of the little 7 word whisper that soon becomes a flush of heavy waters.

It waters down the peace and takes you to the deep, where you can’t swim.

I’ve known her. I’ve known her for years.

It took me a while to accept that I needed to fight her.


Once I figured it out, and finally let my pride on the side, I was able to say: “I struggle with anxiety.”  

It was my first step into freedom. 

I wish it was that simple, I wish it was just a prayer and it would take care of it all. I wish… 

However my generation is known by embracing experience and ignoring the process. 

My process towards anxiety was built in years. It won’t be solved in a day. 

There are different doors involving the issue. Spiritual, Soul, environment and behaviors. 

I firmly believe that the Spiritual door for my anxiety was shut, in December, when Dr. Rob prayed for me. I felt on that day that something left me.

I thought I was completely free, I was done. Bye Anxiety!

If only… If only was that simple. 

Coming home I’ve met her again. Not where I expected, and in a way that confronted me.

Someone that doesn’t know Jesus pointed it out that I was too anxious to get better, while I’m in the process of taking care of my physical body (doing physical therapy for my shoulders and knees).

I looked at him and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, I thought she was long gone! It felt like a punch on my chest. 

But the truth is I have to fight it everyday, for now. By staying attached to my vine, being in the presence of the owner of PEACE. I can have the immeasurable peace when I swim at His river. 

The deep is drained when He comes to rescue. 

God can take care of not only the Spiritual, but He can take care of it all. I know that. He is a whole God that takes care of our whole lives. 

Psalm 18:16 “He reached down from Heaven and rescued me, He drew me out of the deep waters.” 

Please continue to pray for me as I embrace and find contentment on my life in Brazil, pray for guidance of next steps and doors, protection and full recover. 

Thank you so much, let me know how you are, shoot me and email at [email protected]

Much Love, 
