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The speech

(leitores brasileiros entrem em para blog) 

You do know about the talk that happens inside of our heads, right? That speech that spins, spins around and around. 

Sometimes it smells like the perfume of beautiful flowers, other times not so much…

“I can’t. I’m not able. I’m not enough. They’ve done it before.”

I think we can be astonished when we stop to listen and pay attention in what goes on and on in our self talk inside our little boxes. 

Sometimes I have the self talk that doesn’t smell like flowers… “Why should I write? No one will read it? People have wrote about it before. “

Maybe I’ve been in a good week, or maybe the comments of people that keep on reading, or a little voice from God inside of me, that keeps me going and keeps me on writing. However so many times we stop and give up. How many times have you left something or gave up, because inside of your own head you lost your speech? 

One of my favorite movies is The King speech, if you haven’t seen it, you should. It’s a true story about King George VI, who had a stutter issue and his speech therapist, Lionel Logue. Maybe I love the movie because I’m a psychologist and I think it’s beautiful the development of the relationship between Lionel and Bertie, the king. I won’t tell you the plot of the movie, because you should watch it, however my favorite scene is when they are rehearsing for the coronation. After a very heated conversation, Lionel provokes the new King: “Why should you be heard?” and then Bertie shouts “Because I have a voice!

I think it’s the best line – Because I have a voice!- Beautiful, isn’t it? 

 So I tell myself, I tell you, I tell all of us, when the speech comes from the inside or the outside, remember you have a voice that deserves to be heard!

Hugs of peace and love, 
