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The Grove Home

(brasileiros – legendas em Portugues em breve) 

This semester I’ve been blessed living at the Grove House. It has been a house of peace, and a place where I could call home for this season. 

In Brennan Manning words Home is -“where the heart is. Home is a place of welcoming love, non judgmental acceptance, kisses, and hospitality- elements that induce a profound sense of belonging.” 

With these words I would like to introduce you to my home. 

Katie and Bill Swan- Our house mentors.

Bill is extroverted, he loves to bike and play with Max and Ruby, he will walk you through your things if you allow him to, he will give you feedback and he wears sassy pants. He is not afraid of being who God made him to be, he taught me how to own and walk into my identity, by being himself. 

Katie is introverted, she is the runner of the family. She is full of wisdom, when she speaks, you better listen. She is an amazing mom, who without even trying has taught me so much about patience and selfless. She loves to cook and she is really good at it. 



Max is the first born, the cutest and tallest 2 year old that I know. He likes cheese and I’m actually really glad he knows and loves to say the word NO. He has such a good laugh. 

Ruby is the newest addition to the Swan family. She is so sweet and is only one month old. She is beautiful and peaceful. 


Erika Michael – We were on the same team for 4 months during the Race. Sometimes we are the extreme opposites, she is an X which means both intro and extroverted. She is the person in the house that has known me the longest and probably the one that knows me the best. She is a safe place for me, she is organized, and likes everything neat and tidy. She is also the only one who is willing to dress up twining with me just because I asked her to! She has the biggest servant heart, she is full of grace and very non-judgmental. Good friend material if I may say. 


Rachel – Raquel – She is a woman of peace, love and goofiness. She is introverted. We have the same apprenticeship at CGA and it has been such a blessing getting to know her. She has taught me so much, in how to be quick to listen and slow to speak, how to be creative with my relationship with Jesus, and how sub sandwiches from Publix are the best. She is a amazing teacher and full of patience. She is completely selfless and brave. She is the Settlers of Catan champion among us girls. 


Casey – She is also introverted, she loves butterflies. She is our movie quote person. Loves playing tennis and doing crafts. She is really good to talk to. She is always full of really good insights and feedback, having an one-on-one with her is something to be treasured. She is a gifted leader. I’m so excited to see where The Lord will take her next, wherever that might be I know she is blessed to bless others. 


Aimee- My roomie. I prayed for a room of peace and rest and it has been so good sharing a room with her. She accepts me for who I am, she lets my P (disorganization, flexibility, go with the flow mentality – from the Meyers Briggs test) take over my part of the room. When she laughs with you she brings peace and freedom. She loves classic music and she has a beautiful voice. When she worships walls come down, she is doing worship track next semester and I’m so happy for her.  


Anna – She is also introverted. She likes doing crafts and creative things, she loves children and connects really well with them. Once you are in her space she brings love, peace and care. I’ve loved the times she played with my hair just because I was able to spend time with her in her room. She is also very funny once you get to know her, she will laugh with you about the funny things in life, even if it is yourself sometimes. 

Kellie- She was the last roommate to come, but I’m so happy she did. She is the other extroverted of the house. She likes to be around people. She is funny and playful. She is a writer and a dreamer. She has taught me to dream big and to trust the Lord with the calling He has upon your life. 


These are all of the wonderful the grove ladies and my house mentors. Now you know them, you know with who I have had the privilege of living with for this time.

I go home in 9 days. I’m so grateful for all the support I have received from all of you. As an update, I’ll be back in Brazil on the 22nd, everything worked out with all my flights and rides, God is really good.

Now I ask, would you consider praying with me and choosing a number from the snowman to donate to my support account

I still need about $1000. 

Thank you.